
Seamless Integration with Azure Blockchain Service using Logic Apps

10 February, 2020
7:30 PM to 9:00 PM GMT (Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London)
Michael John Pena
Head of Research and Innovation at Lumachain | AI , Blockchain, IoT, Edge | Microsoft Azure MVP | Speaker | Author Read More

Blockchain has plateaued for the past months as it losses its hype however, more and more enterprise use-cases being developed to create a consortium network. One of the main challenges of Blockchain has always been the high barrier of entry to develop smart contracts and interface them to existing systems. With Azure Blockchain Service, creating a consortium is simple on B2B scenarios, where actors’ permission is abstracted away when signing transactions in the Blockchain. Using Logic Apps and Ethereum Connector, it is very seamless to integrate with smart contracts as if you’re just calling a web API. This session will guide you on how you can get started with using Blockchain without spending days or weeks to set up complex architecture.


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