
Real World – Rapid prototyping with Logic Apps

26 February 2018
7:30 PM to 9:00 PM BST
Michael Stephenson
Michael is a highly experienced freelance consultant with many years of architecting and delivering integration projects which leverage the Microsoft technology stack. He has deep, practical knowledge of delivering complex solutions with BizTalk, Microsoft .NET, Microsoft Azure and associated technologies Read More

This integration Monday session will be a show and tell style session where Mike will present a short topic covering rapid prototyping using Logic Apps. We all know that integration projects tend to be challenging, a lot of time is spent on analysis and trying to understand how things will work. In the real world we still find that no matter how much analysis we do we never really know the full story until we try to wedge the square peg into the round hole. In this session Mike will talk about how he used Logic apps to help him elaborate the requirements for a project using a prototype built with Logic Apps and how some of the learnings from this prototype will save plenty of time later in the project.


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