
Real Case Scenarios Where BizTalk NoS Ultimate Can Improve Our Efficiency

31 August, 2015
7:30 PM to 9:00 PM BST
Sandro Pereira
Sandro Pereira lives in Portugal and he currently works as a BizTalk consultant at DevScope (www.devscope.net). In the last few years he has been working implementing integration scenarios and Cloud Provisioning at a major telecommunications service provider in Portugal. His main focus is on Integration Technologies Read More

In this session, Sandro will show, using real cases scenarios, how can BizTalk NoS Ultimate will help BizTalk developers to improve their efficiency, productivity and experience while developing BizTalk projects.
BizTalk NoS Ultimate is a time-saving tool and, as we pass through its functionalities, we show where developers can save valuable time while working on their day-to-day tasks.


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